Friday, September 2, 2016


Good evening!  The Marshmallows had a very productive week.  Here's what we've been working on...

In our Mentor Author unit we studied our mentor authors'

  • organization
  • ideas
  • voice
  • convention

In our Interpretation unit we focused on...

  • retelling and synthesizing our just right books
  • envisioning what's happening in our books
  • developing ideas about our characters
Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

In our Addition, Subtraction, and Place Value unit we...

  • practiced rounding, expanded form, and relationships across place values
  • learned the traditional algorithm for addition

Remember to practice your math facts nightly!

In our Structures of Life unit we...

  • studied the structures of all vertebrate groups
  • studied animal adaptations
  • classified vertebrates based off of characteristics
  • created and classified our own organisms
Upcoming Dates
  • 9/5: No School
  • 9/7: Late Start, 11:05 start
  • 9/9: No Fuss Fundraiser ends

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