Friday, September 23, 2016


Hello and happy Friday!  The Marshmallows had a wonderful week full of learning.  Checkout what we've been up to...

We finished up our Mentor Author unit and dove straight into our new Poetry unit.  This week we...

  • celebrated our completed short story narratives
  • immersed ourselves in poetry noticing what strong poets do
  • learned how to use similes and metaphors

In our Interpretation unit we...

  • learned how to look for themes in our books
  • connected thoughts to each other to form interpretations of our books
  • noticing what the details in our books can teach us about life (theme)
Remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

In our Addition and Subtraction unit this week we...

  • reviewed expanded form, rounding, and place value relationships
  • solved word problems using addition and subtraction strategies
  • assessed our learning
Our upcoming unit is Multiplication and Division.  Knowing multiplication facts is very important for success in this unit.  Please make sure your child practices their multiplication facts nightly.

Social Studies
In our Government unit this week we...

  • reviewed the three branches of the federal government
  • reviewed checks and balances
  • learned how our state government is structured into three branches: legislative, judicial, and executive

Upcoming Dates

  • 9/30: Field Day
  • 10/5: Late Start; 11:05 start
  • 10/4 & 10/6: Conferences- signup here
  • 10/4-10/6: Book Fair
  • 10/7 & 10/10: No School

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