Friday, August 26, 2016


Good evening!  The Marshmallows worked hard and accomplished a lot this week.  Take a look at what we've been up to...

This week in our addition and subtraction unit, we worked on concepts involving...
  • word form of numbers
  • expanded form
  • comparing numbers
  • place value relationships
Remember to practice your multiplication facts nightly!

We are wrapping up our Building a Community of Readers unit and are moving into our Interpretation unit.  This week we...
  • learned what it means to read intensely
  • learned how to choose just right books
Remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

In our Mentor Author unit we focused on...
  • what it means to "read like a writer"
  • author's word choice
    • similes and metaphors
    • strong verbs
  • sentence fluency
In our Structures of Life unit we...
  • explored crayfish behaviors and structures
  • learned the characteristics of vertebrate groups
    • fish
    • reptiles
    • birds
    • mammals
    • amphibians
Upcoming Dates
  • 8/29: Library Checkout

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