Friday, September 16, 2016


Happy Friday!  We had such a fun week with JA Day and celebrating our reward with Fan Day.  Take a look at what we've been working on...

We're wrapping up our Mentor Author unit by...

  • revised our narratives for:
    • transitions
    • word choice
    • endings
  • editing our pieces

In our interpretation unit this week we...

  • notice how characters in our books are complicated
  • debated ideas about our books
  • learned how to use evidence from the text to support our ideas about books
Remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

In our addition and subtraction unit we...

  • practiced the addition and subtraction algorithms
  • used our learning to help us problem solve and solve word problems
Our next unit of study will be multiplication and division.  Practicing math facts is very important to this unit.

Social Studies
Our new unit of study will focus on government in Missouri.  This week we...

  • reviewed federal government
  • discussed the US Constitution 
Upcoming Dates
  • 9/23: Subtraction, Addition, and Place Value End of Unit Math Assessment
  • 9/30: Field Day
  • 10/4 & 10/6: Conferences
  • 10/4-10/6: Book Fair

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