Friday, September 9, 2016


Good afternoon and happy Friday, families!  Even though we had a short week with a late start, we were able to get a lot accomplished.

As we continue to work in our Mentor Author unit we...

  • planned our personal narratives
  • wrote our first drafts
  • revised our leads

In our Interpretation unit we...

  • looked for repeated details to develop theories about our books
  • used precise language to describe a character to develop character ideas
  • started to explore theme
Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

In our Addition, Subtraction, and Place Value unit we...

  • learned how to estimate to check that our precise answers make sense
  • learned how to use the traditional algorithm with addition and subtraction
    • this includes regrouping and borrowing
Please remember to practice your math facts nightly!

We are wrapping up our Structures of Life unit by...

  • creating, classifying, and sharing our own animals
  • reviewed our learning
  • assessed our learning
Our next unit of study will shift to Social Studies.  We will be learning about federal, state, and local government!

Upcoming Dates

  • The No Fuss Fundraiser is extended for one more week!
  • 9/15: JA Day

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