Friday, April 7, 2017


Good morning!  We had a fun and busy week.  Check out what we've been up to...

We wrapped up our Views Values and Cultures of Others unit this week by talking about the authors' purpose of a text and how they impact our thinking.  We also started our test prep unit.  Students are learning test taking strategies in order to become confident test takers.

Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

We continue to work in our Literary Essay unit.  We are building our knowledge and thinking by...

  • reading our books closely, noticing character traits, motivations, struggles, and relationships
  • studying the characters in our books and brainstorming claims
This unit will require additional homework.  Students are expected to read the book they have chosen for their literary essay nightly.  Each night they are looking for possible claims and evidence to support those claims.  This homework will be used when students go to plan and draft their essays.

Rational Numbers
In our Rational Numbers unit, mathematicians...

  • learned how to read, construct, and analyze line plots
  • learned how to relate fractions with decimals
Please remember to have your child practice their math facts nightly.  Basic math facts are the foundation to fourth grade mathematical concepts.  In addition, students are assigned Online Practice Buddies daily.  Although optional, the Online Practice Buddies are highly encouraged, and they are a great way for parents to see what concepts their child is working on!

In our Geometry unit, mathematicians learned to...

  • add and subtract angle measures to solve for unknown angles
  • describe relationships between pairs of lines
    • i.e., parallel, intersecting, perpendicular
  • classify triangles by angle measure and side length
    • angle measure: obtuse, acute, right
    • side length: isosceles, scalene, equilateral
  • classify quadrilaterals
    • trapezoid, parallelogram, rhombus, rectangle, square

Social Studies
In our Slavery, Civil War, and Reconstruction unit, students...

  • reviewed slavery, Civil War, and Reconstruction concepts
  • assessed their learning

Upcoming Dates

  • 4/14: No School
  • 4/19: 4th grade Strings Performance; 7:00
  • 4/20: 4th grade Musical; students arrive to school at 6:40
  • 4/24-4/27: MAP Testing
    • Please avoid making appointments for your child during this time if possible.
  • 5/4: Fishing Day

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