Thursday, April 13, 2017


Good morning!  We had a wonderful week.  Check out what we've been up to...

This week we've been focused on reviewing concepts taught throughout the year:

  • identifying main idea
  • supporting the main idea with key details
  • working with inference questions

Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

In our Literary Essay unit we...

  • studied characters to develop ideas and claims about them
  • elaborated upon our ideas with thought prompts to deepen our thinking
  • tested and developed claims to write about in our essays
This unit will require additional homework.  You child should be bringing their notebook and literary essay book home nightly.  They should be working to reread their books to mark spots where they can support their reasons and claims with evidence from the text.

Rational Numbers
We wrapped up our Rational Numbers unit by...

  • placing decimals and fractions on a number line
  • comparing decimals
  • solving word problems involving money
Please remember to have your student practice math facts nightly!  These are the foundation of mathematical concepts.  In addition, students are assigned Online Practice Buddies daily.  Although optional, they are a great way for students to practice the concepts taught in class.

We wrapped up out Geometry unit by...

  • identifying line symmetric figures and lines of symmetry
  • drawing shapes with line symmetry 

Upcoming Dates

  • 4/14: No School
  • 4/19: 4th Grade Evening Strings Performance
  • 4/20: 4th Grade Musical Performance; arrive at 6:40
  • 4/24-4/27: MAP Testing
    • If possible, please do not schedule any appointments for your child during this time.
  • 5/4: FISHING DAY!
    • Please make sure your child returns their permission slip ASAP.

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