Thursday, March 30, 2017


Good evening!  We have had a VERY busy week.  Here's what we've been up to in our classroom...

This week in our View, Values, and Cultures of Others unit, readers focused heavily on...

  • identifying missing perspectives in a text
  • thinking how text may change if told from a different perspective
    • considering multiple perspectives of the same event
  • identifying the author's purpose and motives of a text
Please remember to have your child read 30 minutes nightly!

This week we kicked off our Literary Essay unit!  Students will be choosing a well known book to write a literary essay about.  This week we focused on...

  • how to cite evidence from a book
    • use commas and quotations correctly in writing
  • how to structure an essay
  • defining what a literary essay is
  • exploring possible claims for our texts and essays

Rational Numbers
In our Rational Numbers unit, mathematicians focused on...

  • multiplying fractions by a whole number
  • multiplying fractions by a mixed number
  • solving problems involving time
Please remember to have your children practice their math facts nightly!  These are the foundation of fourth grade mathematical concepts and must be mastered.  In addition, Online Practice Buddies are assigned daily.  Although optional, the Online Practice Buddies are highly encouraged, and they are a great way for parents to see what concepts are covered in class.

As stated is our last update, we are currently teaching our Geometry unit alongside our Rational Numbers unit.  Students have been having a blast with all of the hands of activities that come with Geometry!  This week mathematicians focused on...

  • mastering basic terminology and vocabulary
    • line, line segment, ray, point, right angle, acute angle, and obtuse angle
  • exploring angles using pattern blocks and used their understanding of angles and circles to determine interior angles of pattern blocks
    • mathematicians then could use pattern blocks to measure benchmark angles
  • learning how to use a protractor to measure and construct angles
Ask your child to teach you the game Angle Tangle!  This game focuses on developing estimation skills and protractor skills.

Social Studies
In our Slavery, Civil War, and Reconstruction unit, students learned about...

  • Reconstruction and the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments that were added to our U.S. Constitution and the impacts those amendments had on our country
  • the growth of Missouri following reconstruction due to railroads, population, inventions, etc.
We are assessing our Slavery, Civil War, and Reconstruction unit on Friday, April 7.  Study guides were sent home this past Tuesday.  Study guides are due in class on Monday, April 3.  In addition, students were assigned an Underground Railroad Webquest,  They have been given one month to complete this assignment, which is due Friday, April 7.  The assignment can be accessed through your child's Google Classroom account.  The grading rubric can be found at the bottom of your child's assignment.  Students have been given time to work on this assignment in class, but needs to be completed as homework if not complete.

Upcoming Dates

  • 4/3: Social Studies study guide due
  • 4/5: Late Start; 11:05 start
  • 4/7: Social Studies Assessment
  • 4/7: Underground Railroad Webquest due
  • 4/7: Spring Pictures
  • 4/19: 4th grade String Performance; 7:00
  • 4/20: 4th grade Musical Performance
  • 4/24-4/27: MAP Testing
    • Please do not schedule any appointments for your child on these dates if it can be avoided

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