Friday, April 21, 2017


What a week!  We had a 4th grade orchestra concert, 4th grade musical, and a multi-cultural assembly all on one week.  We still were very productive in class.  See what we've been working on...

In reading this week we have been focusing on testing strategies to prepare for the MAP next week.  Students learned how to become confident test takers!  Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

It was too beautiful not to spend a day reading outside this week!
In out Literary Essay unit we...

  • learned how to cite strong evidence from our books
  • developed reasons to support our claims
  • planned and drafted our literary essays 

In Patterns and Measurement we...

  • learned to follow rules and look for features in a pattern
  • used rules and features of a pattern to predict numbers or shapes in a pattern
  • learned how to convert customary units of length, capacity, and weight
  • learned how to convert metric units of length, capacity, and mass
  • solved area and perimeter problems
Please remember to practice your math facts nightly!  These are the foundation to 4th grade mathematical concepts.  In addition, Online Practice Buddies are assigned nightly.  Although optional, the Practice Buddies are highly encouraged.

Upcoming Dates

  • 4/24-4/27: MAP testing for 4th grade
    • Please do not schedule appointments for your child during these day if possible.
    • Make sure your child has a good night sleep and breakfast!
  • 5/4: Fishing Day

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