Friday, February 3, 2017


Happy Friday!  Please be on the look out for your child's Leadership Binder.  They will ask you to sign their Westward Expansion and Behavior Reflections.  Our latest math benchmark scores are also in our binders. Take a look at what we've been up to this week...

We started out Short Story unit!  Students will be writing realistic short stories.  We kicked off our unit by...

  • identifying the characteristics of short stories
  • brainstorming ideas for our stories
  • starting to develop believable characters for our stories

Our historical fiction book clubs are up and running!  Check in with your child to see what book they are reading, and ask them what they've learned so far!  This week we...

  • noticed how characters' perspectives are shaped by the times
  • looked for small objects or phrases in our books that might be a symbol for something more meaningful
Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

In our Multiplication and Division unit we...

  • divided 4 digit dividends by using partial products
  • solved multi-step problems that included division

Please remember to practice math facts nightly!  They are one of the keys to success in this unit!  Also, your child is assigned daily Practice Buddies to be completed as optional homework.  Although they are optional, the extra practice is encouraged!

We started our Electricity unit this week!  Students were eager to start exploring and investigation.  This week we...

  • investigated static electricity
  • explored what electricity can do and how to build circuits with a light bulb, battery, and wire
  • learned how to complete a circuit
Upcoming Dates
  • 2/14: Valentines Day Party; 2:40-3:40
  • 2/15: Mrs. Nagy out
  • 2/17: No School (Teacher Work Day)
Valentines Day Note:
Any and all exchanged Valentines at school must be consumed at home.  Teachers are not allowed to let students consume exchanged treats at school.  Thank you for your understanding.

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