Friday, January 27, 2017


Happy Friday!  We were very busy for our first full week back.  Check out what we've been working on this week!

This week in our Historical Fiction unit we...

  • started our historical fiction book clubs
  • read closely for details about characters and places
  • compared personal timelines to historical timelines
Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

We ended our Informational Article unit by...

  • using our learning progression to revise our writing pieces
  • editing 
  • celebrating!!

In our Multiplication and Division unit we...

  • used mental math strategies (place value) to estimate quotients
  • interpreted remainders of division to answer word problems
  • used partial quotients and the array model to solve division problems
Please remember to practice your math facts nightly.  Basic facts are the foundation for success in this unit.  Students are also assigned a Practice Buddy daily over the day's lesson.  This is optional, but encouraged!

Social Studies
We ended our Westward Expansion unit by...

  • identifying and discussing the important cities of Missouri during Westward Expansion
  • identifying the hardships travelers faced on the Oregon, Santa Fe, Mormon, and California trails

Upcoming Events

  • 1/31: Whole Class Library Checkout
  • 2/1: Late Start; 11:05 start

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