Saturday, February 18, 2017


We had a productive week.  Check out what we've been working on...

This week in our historical fiction unit we...
  • finished reading Number the Stars and used it to examine different forms of power within our book club books
Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

In our realistic short story unit we...
  • learned how to correctly punctuate dialogue and start new paragraphs with new speakers
  • drafted our short stories
  • revised our introductions
We wrapped up our multiplication and division unit by...
  • reviewing factors, multiples, prime, and composite numbers
Our next unit of study is rational numbers.  The Family Letter went home this past week!

Please remember to practice math facts nightly.  Online Practice Buddies are assigned.  These are optional homework, but they are highly encouraged.  

We wrapped up our electricity unit by...
  • investigating magnets
  • reviewing electricity concepts
Upcoming Dates
  • 2/17 & 2/20: No School
  • 2/24: Abilities Awareness Day
  • 2/28: Firehouse Field Trip (Please make sure permission slips are signed and returned!)
  • 3/1: Late Start; 11:05 start
  • 3/2-3/7: Book Fair
  • 3/2 & 3/7: Student Led Conferences
  • 3/8: Mrs. Nagy out
  • 3/10: Spring Break

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