Friday, February 10, 2017


Happy Friday!  Take a look at what we've been working on this week...

This week in our Historical fiction unit...

  • readers participated in book clubs around a similar texts discussing theme and minor characters
Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

In our Short Story unit...

  • writers developed problems, characters, and plans for their short stories

In our Multiplication and Division unit...

  • mathematicians used multiplication, division, and addition to solve comparisons among quantities
  • mathematicians solved multi-step word problems involving all operations
Please remember to practice math facts nightly!  Online Practice Buddies are also assigned as optional homework, but the extra practice at home is highly encouraged!

In our Electricity unit we...

  • used our knowledge of batteries and light bulbs to build a circuit
  • explored how to troubleshoot circuits
  • investigated conductors and insulators
  • built series and parallel circuits
Please note that our Electricity Assessment will be on Thursday, February 16.

Upcoming Dates

  • 2/13: Library Checkout
  • 2/14: Valentines Parties; 2:40 *please not that any Valentines students bring in will need to be consumed at home*
  • 2/15: Mrs. Nagy out
  • 2/16: Electricity Assessment
  • 2/17 & 2/20: No School; Teacher Work Day & Presidents Day
  • 2/24: Abilities Awareness Day
  • 2/28: Firehouse Field Trip
    • The field trip does not need any chaperones, please ignore the bottom of the field trip form 
  • 3/1: Late Start; 11:05 start
  • 3/2 & 3/7: Student Led Spring Conferences

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