Friday, September 30, 2016


Good afternoon!  We had a wonderful week and got to end it with Field Day.  The Marshmallows worked hard to synergize and work together today.  Take a look at what we've been up to earlier this week though...

This week we dug into our Poetry unit by learning techniques such as...

  • personification
  • alliteration & onomotopeia
  • line breaks
  • stanzas

We wrapped up our Interpretation unit by...

  • finding meaning in recurring images, objects, and details
  • identified the theme of texts
Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

We started to wrap up our Addition and Subtraction unit by...

  • reflecting on our math performance to set goals
  • reviewed word problem and subtraction strategies
The fourth grade teachers are beginning to utilize the online component of our new math resource.  Students have access to this at home.  They should log in through the Clever login located in the Helpful Links section of the blog.

Also, please remember to practice multiplication facts nightly.  Mastering basic facts is the foundation to our multiplication and division units.

Social Studies
In our Government unit this week we...

  • noticed how our state government is structured after the federal government and is divided into three branches
Upcoming Dates
  • 10/4 & 10/6: Conferences Sign up here
  • 10/4-10/6: Book Fair
  • 10/5: Late Start, 11:05 start
  • 10/7 & 10/10: No School
  • 10/19: Missouri Day
  • 10/31: Halloween Parties & Parade

Field Day 2016