Friday, March 3, 2017


We had a very busy week prepping for our conferences, leading our conferences, going on our field trip, and visiting the book fair!  Take a look at what we've been working on...

This week we began a new unit of study, Views Values and Culture.  We kicked off our unit by examining and comparing different perspectives around a common event.  We also discussed "cultural lenses" and how a person's culture and background affects perspective.

Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

In our short story unit this week, we really focused on different elaboration techniques to use in our writing.  Our techniques included...

  • elaborating on characters' gestures, movements, and facial expressions
  • cracking open dull verbs
  • show, don't tell emotions

In our rational numbers unit this week we focused on generating equivalent fractions by using an area model, number line, and multiplication.

Please remember to practice math facts nightly.  In addition, students are assigned Online Practice Buddies.  Although they are optional, the Online Practice Buddies are highly encouraged.

Social Studies
This week we used part of our social studies time to prepare for our student-led conferences.  We also started our new unit over slavery, the Civil War, and Reconstruction.  We started our unit by brainstorming around the question, "What causes war?"

Upcoming Dates

  • 3/6-3/7: Book Fair
  • 3/7: Student-Led Conferences
  • 3/8: Mrs. Nagy out
  • 3/10: Spring Break starts

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