Friday, August 19, 2016


Happy Friday, Families!  We had a very successful first full week.  We learned a lot and even achieved our first reward day.  Take a look at what we've been up to...

In math this week we have been working hard to build our community of mathematicians.  We...

  • completed our first benchmark so we can track our learning throughout the year
  • learned about eight math practices strong mathematicians use
  • created our math workshop vision
  • learned how to login to Mobymax
Remember to practice multiplication facts nightly!

This week in our Building a Community of Readers unit we...
  • compared the structure and characters of third grade books to fourth grade books
  • started to read The Tiger Rising to study and notice the characteristics and structure of fourth grade level books
Remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

In our Building a Community of Writers unit we...
  • collected ideas for future writing
  • learned about the fourth grade non-negotiables of writing
    • capital letters
    • punctuation
    • neat writing
    • spelling
    • complete sentences
  • completed a cold write
In our first unit, Structures of Life, we...
  • reviewed what a fair test is
  • classified animals based on their characteristics
Upcoming Dates & Events
  • 8/24: Curriculum Night 6:30-8:00- The fourth grade teachers will be presenting together in the gym after the 3rd-5th PTO presentation.  However, please feel free to arrive in our classroom at 6:15. I will be going over information that pertains to only our classroom, and we will walk down to the gym at 6:30.

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