Friday, May 12, 2017


Happy Friday!  I hope everyone had a wonderful week.  We stayed very busy with a whole school photo and a First Responders Assembly.  Here's what we've been up to in the classroom...

This week in our Mythology unit we...

  • studied how character changes in mythology teaches a lesson
  • noticed how strong emotions and reactions signal a lesson
  • studied objects and images as symbols
  • hunted for mythological references in our modern texts
Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

We wrapped up our Literary Essay unit this week by...

  • peer revising with partners
  • revising topic sentences
  • editing for non-negotiables and complex sentences

In our Patterns and Measurement unit we...

  • reviewed measurement concepts by working through multi-step word problems involving conversions
  • assessed our learning
Please remember to practice math facts!  In addition, students are welcome to complete any unfinished EnVision work at home in their Pearson accounts.

We wrapped up our Water unit by...

  • studying how surface area and location affects evaporation rates
  • studying the water cycle
  • understanding the effects of erosion, weathering, and pollution
  • assessing our learning

Upcoming Dates

  • 5/18: Fishing Day Rescheduled
  • 5/24: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief film shown in class.  
    • Make sure permission slips are turned in!
  • 5/25: Last Day of School
  • 5/31: Progress Reports go live

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