Friday, May 19, 2017


Happy Friday!  It was such a fun week with Fishing Day.  The kids had a blast.  Thank you everyone who helped make the day fun, safe, and memorable.  Take a look at what we've been up to this week...

Fishing Day
It was a blast!  The kids really did such a great job at the different stations, and they also caught a lot of fish.  I loved watching our students learn about and connect with nature, I believe that is so incredibly important!  I haven't had time to get the pictures onto my computer yet, so be on the lookout this weekend for an email saying they're on the blog!

In addition, we had grandparents in our class pass along information regarding a fishing program through the Missouri Department of Conservation called Discover Nature and gives young people more fishing opportunities.  The program is free and includes four lessons.  It sounds like a wonderful opportunity for children and their parents to connect with nature.  Here is the link if you are interested:

In our Mythology unit we are continuing to read Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.  Students are really enjoying applying their knowledge of gods, goddesses, and other mythological creatures to their understanding of the reading.

Students also had the opportunity to participate in a Percy Jackson Mythology themed Breakout!  Students were given tools and clues to break into boxes and break into Pandora's Box.  Students focused on problem solving, perseverance, and cooperation with others.

Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

During writing this week, students were asked to choose a favorite type of writing: narrative, opinion, or expository.  They will be planning, drafting, revising, and editing these pieces before the end of the school year.

In math students are going to be learning about how to work with decimals in our "Step Up to Fifth Grade" unit.  In addition, students will also be completing an end of the year activity where they budget and plan for a dream vacation!

Social Studies
We are well into our New Challenges unit!  Students will be learning about and discussing:

  • the 1904 World's Fair
  • Women's Rights
  • The Great Depression
  • Civil Rights
Upcoming Dates
  • 5/24: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief film shown in class
  • 5/25: Last day for students; 1:05 dismissal
  • 5/31: Progress Reports go live

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