Friday, December 9, 2016


It has been another productive week in our classroom.  Check out what we've been working on...

This week in our Navigating Nonfiction unit, readers worked on...
  • paraphrasing research
  • taking notes using the boxes and bullets strategy
  • identifying facts vs opinions in research
Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

This week in our Informational Article unit, writers worked on...
  • developing a focus question for their articles
  • creating subtopics to go along with their focus questions
In our Multiplication and division unit, mathematicians worked to...
  • learn multiplication strategies to multiply 2-digit by 2-digit numbers
  • strategies include:
    • expanded algorithm
    • open array
    • traditional algorithm
Please remember to practice your math facts nightly!

This week we wrapped up our Motion and Design unit by...
  • designing a fair test
  • reviewing for our assessment
Upcoming Dates
  • 12/20: Mrs. Nagy out
  • 12/22: Half Day/Early Dismissal; 1:05 & Winter Parties
  • 12/23: Winter Break; No School

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