Friday, December 2, 2016


Happy Friday!  Check out what we've been working on this week...

This week we began our Nonfiction to Become Experts unit.  Students will choose topics they wish to become experts on.  This unit is aligned with our Informational Article unit.  Students will be writing an informational article about their nonfiction expert topics.

Remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

Before we begin our Informational Article unit, we went through grammar boot camp to prepare ourselves!  We focused on complex sentences and learned how to write:

  • compound sentences
  • prepositional phrases

This week in our Multiplication and Division unit we...

  • estimated products for 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication
  • used open arrays and the distributive property to help us solve 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication problems
Remember to practice your math facts nightly!

In our Motion and Design unit we...

  • observed the effects friction has on our vehicles
  • observed the effects rubber band energy has on our vehicles

Upcoming Events

  • 12/7: Late Start; 11:05
  • 12/9: Motion and Design Assessment

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