Thursday, December 22, 2016


Happy Holidays!  Thank you all for helping us to put on a successful and fun winter party.  Our week was so busy while we finished stuff up before break.

This week in our Informational Article unit we...

  • drafted our articles
  • revised topic sentences
  • elaborated upon our details

In our Nonfiction to Become Experts unit we...

  • used glossaries to identify the meaning of unfamiliar words
  • spotted clues in context to identify the meaning of unfamiliar words
Over break it will be very important to keep up the reading minutes!  Please have your child read 30 minutes at least five times a week!

In our Multiplication and Division unit we...

  • solved real world division problems by multiplying up and using partial products

Please remember to keep practicing math facts!

Upcoming Dates

  • 12/22: Winter Break starts
  • 1/9: Welcome Back Students
  • 1/11: Late Start
  • 1/16: No School; MLK Day

Friday, December 16, 2016


Good afternoon!  Here is what we've been learning in our classroom this week...

In our Nonfiction to Become Experts unit, we work to...

  • identify first hand vs second hand accounts
  • identify bias in sources
  • write knowledgeably about a topic
Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

In our Informational Article unit, writers worked to...

  • use pre-research strategies
  • research what's important to their focus questions and subtopics
  • plan our articles

In our Multiplication and Division unit, mathematicians worked to...

  • solve multi-step word problems and persevere when stuck
  • assessed our learning
  • started to think how to solve real-world division scenarios

Please remember to practice your math facts nightly!  The Online Practice Buddies are also avaliable as optional homework.

This week we ended our Motion and Design unit by reflecting on our learning by identifying strengths and setting goals.

Upcoming Dates

  • Next week is Spirit Week!
    • Monday: Crazy Hair Day
    • Tuesday: Crazy Sock Day
    • Wednesday: PJ Day
    • Thursday: Winter Wardrobe Day
  • 12/20: Mrs. Nagy out
  • 12/22: Half Day; Early Dismissal at 1:05
  • 12/22: Winter Parties
  • 12/23: Winter Break begins

Friday, December 9, 2016


It has been another productive week in our classroom.  Check out what we've been working on...

This week in our Navigating Nonfiction unit, readers worked on...
  • paraphrasing research
  • taking notes using the boxes and bullets strategy
  • identifying facts vs opinions in research
Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

This week in our Informational Article unit, writers worked on...
  • developing a focus question for their articles
  • creating subtopics to go along with their focus questions
In our Multiplication and division unit, mathematicians worked to...
  • learn multiplication strategies to multiply 2-digit by 2-digit numbers
  • strategies include:
    • expanded algorithm
    • open array
    • traditional algorithm
Please remember to practice your math facts nightly!

This week we wrapped up our Motion and Design unit by...
  • designing a fair test
  • reviewing for our assessment
Upcoming Dates
  • 12/20: Mrs. Nagy out
  • 12/22: Half Day/Early Dismissal; 1:05 & Winter Parties
  • 12/23: Winter Break; No School

Friday, December 2, 2016


Happy Friday!  Check out what we've been working on this week...

This week we began our Nonfiction to Become Experts unit.  Students will choose topics they wish to become experts on.  This unit is aligned with our Informational Article unit.  Students will be writing an informational article about their nonfiction expert topics.

Remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

Before we begin our Informational Article unit, we went through grammar boot camp to prepare ourselves!  We focused on complex sentences and learned how to write:

  • compound sentences
  • prepositional phrases

This week in our Multiplication and Division unit we...

  • estimated products for 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication
  • used open arrays and the distributive property to help us solve 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication problems
Remember to practice your math facts nightly!

In our Motion and Design unit we...

  • observed the effects friction has on our vehicles
  • observed the effects rubber band energy has on our vehicles

Upcoming Events

  • 12/7: Late Start; 11:05
  • 12/9: Motion and Design Assessment