Friday, November 4, 2016


Good morning!  I hope everyone had an enjoyable week.  We were very busy with Halloween and late start.  Check out what we've been learning...

In our Navigating Nonfiction unit we...

  • learned the four different text structures for nonfiction texts:
    • compare and contrast
    • problem and solution
    • chronology
    • cause and effect
Remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

In our Persuasive Essay unit we...

  • researched for evidence to include in our essays
  • planned out our essay with a graphic organizer
  • drafted our essays

In our Multiplication and Division unit we...

  • used compensation as a strategy to solve 1 digit by 3 digit multiplication problems
  • used arrays and partial products to solve 1 digit by 3 digit multiplication problems
Remember to practice your math facts!

Social Studies
In our Early Settlement unit we...

  • reviewed early settlement concepts such as:
    • early Missouri tribes
    • Arrival of the Europeans
    • Louisiana Purchase
    • Corps of Discovery

Upcoming Dates
11/4: Mrs. Nagy out
11/7 & 11/8: No School
11/11: Veterans Day Celebration

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