Friday, August 26, 2016


Good evening!  The Marshmallows worked hard and accomplished a lot this week.  Take a look at what we've been up to...

This week in our addition and subtraction unit, we worked on concepts involving...
  • word form of numbers
  • expanded form
  • comparing numbers
  • place value relationships
Remember to practice your multiplication facts nightly!

We are wrapping up our Building a Community of Readers unit and are moving into our Interpretation unit.  This week we...
  • learned what it means to read intensely
  • learned how to choose just right books
Remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

In our Mentor Author unit we focused on...
  • what it means to "read like a writer"
  • author's word choice
    • similes and metaphors
    • strong verbs
  • sentence fluency
In our Structures of Life unit we...
  • explored crayfish behaviors and structures
  • learned the characteristics of vertebrate groups
    • fish
    • reptiles
    • birds
    • mammals
    • amphibians
Upcoming Dates
  • 8/29: Library Checkout

Friday, August 19, 2016


Happy Friday, Families!  We had a very successful first full week.  We learned a lot and even achieved our first reward day.  Take a look at what we've been up to...

In math this week we have been working hard to build our community of mathematicians.  We...

  • completed our first benchmark so we can track our learning throughout the year
  • learned about eight math practices strong mathematicians use
  • created our math workshop vision
  • learned how to login to Mobymax
Remember to practice multiplication facts nightly!

This week in our Building a Community of Readers unit we...
  • compared the structure and characters of third grade books to fourth grade books
  • started to read The Tiger Rising to study and notice the characteristics and structure of fourth grade level books
Remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

In our Building a Community of Writers unit we...
  • collected ideas for future writing
  • learned about the fourth grade non-negotiables of writing
    • capital letters
    • punctuation
    • neat writing
    • spelling
    • complete sentences
  • completed a cold write
In our first unit, Structures of Life, we...
  • reviewed what a fair test is
  • classified animals based on their characteristics
Upcoming Dates & Events
  • 8/24: Curriculum Night 6:30-8:00- The fourth grade teachers will be presenting together in the gym after the 3rd-5th PTO presentation.  However, please feel free to arrive in our classroom at 6:15. I will be going over information that pertains to only our classroom, and we will walk down to the gym at 6:30.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Best First Week Ever!

Happy Friday, Families!  This week has ZOOMED by.  I'm having a blast getting to know all of our students in our room this year.  We have a few exciting announcements: we have a class name, mission, rules, and reading & writing workshop visions!  Take a look below.

Class Name: The Marshmallows
Why?: Because we're a kind, sweet, and gentle class, just like a marshmallow.

Class Mission
We will come to school every day ready to learn and accomplish our goals together by helping one another.  We show respect to our peers, teachers, and school community.  We practice integrity each and every day.  We are the AWESOME Marshmallow fourth grade class who likes to be kind and have FUN every day!

Classroom Rules

  1. We take care of ourselves.
  2. We take care of each other.
  3. We take care of our classroom and school.
Readers Workshop Vision
In Readers Workshop our goal as readers is to push ourselves to read more challenging books, different genres, communicate our thinking by writing in our notebooks, and grow as readers.  We will reach our goal by staying focused in our books, choosing successful reading spots, practicing good reading habits, and keeping a positive attitude when reading gets challenging.

Writers Workshop Vision
In Writers Workshop our goal is to grow as writers.  We will do this by practicing good writing habits, focus on our writing, always stay on task, and ignore distractions.  We will be flexible writers who are open to new challenges and persevere when writing gets tough.  Lastly, we will respect each other by working quietly or at a voice level one.

Upcoming Dates

  • Picture Day: 8/16
  • Curriculum Night: 8/24 6:30-8:00

Monday, August 1, 2016


You're invited to attend Sneak-a-Peek this Friday, August 5, from 4:30-5:30!  I am looking forward to meeting everyone and kick off the school year.  Feel free to stop by between 4:30-5:30 to drop off your school supplies, check out your new classroom, and of course to meet your new teacher!  I hope to see you there!