Friday, January 27, 2017


Happy Friday!  We were very busy for our first full week back.  Check out what we've been working on this week!

This week in our Historical Fiction unit we...

  • started our historical fiction book clubs
  • read closely for details about characters and places
  • compared personal timelines to historical timelines
Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

We ended our Informational Article unit by...

  • using our learning progression to revise our writing pieces
  • editing 
  • celebrating!!

In our Multiplication and Division unit we...

  • used mental math strategies (place value) to estimate quotients
  • interpreted remainders of division to answer word problems
  • used partial quotients and the array model to solve division problems
Please remember to practice your math facts nightly.  Basic facts are the foundation for success in this unit.  Students are also assigned a Practice Buddy daily over the day's lesson.  This is optional, but encouraged!

Social Studies
We ended our Westward Expansion unit by...

  • identifying and discussing the important cities of Missouri during Westward Expansion
  • identifying the hardships travelers faced on the Oregon, Santa Fe, Mormon, and California trails

Upcoming Events

  • 1/31: Whole Class Library Checkout
  • 2/1: Late Start; 11:05 start

Friday, January 20, 2017


This week was filled with a lot of learning, and we were very busy with extra school related activities!  We very much enjoyed our author's visit by James Riley, watching our 1st and 2nd graders perform their musical, and we also enjoyed our Springboard performer, Sacajawea.  Please read below for an update in our academics...

This week we started to jump into our Historical Fiction unit.  We have begun exploring what we notice about historical fiction texts' plots, characters, settings, dialogue, and problems.  Some texts we have read together include:
  • Pink and Say
  • A New Coat for Anna
  • The Harmonica
  • The Butterfly
Next week we will begin our new learning in our historical fiction book clubs.
Please remember to have your child read 30 minutes nightly!

This week in our Informational Article unit we...
  • revised conclusions
  • revised for transitions and elaboration
  • paraphrased
  • edited our pieces
This week in our Multiplication and Division unit we...
  • used basic facts and place value to find quotients
    • (i.e., 35/5 = 7 so 350/5 = 70)
  • used compatible numbers and multiplication to estimate quotients
    • (i.e., 48/5 = about 10 because 5 x 10 = 50)
Please remember to have your child practice their math facts nightly!  Math facts are extremely important in order to master fourth grade mathematical concepts.  
Please also remember that students are assigned an Online Practice Buddy as optional homework.  Ask your child and have them show you the Practice Buddy!

Social Studies
This week in our Westward Expansion unit we...
  • discussed Missouri becoming a state and the Missouri Compromise

Upcoming Dates
  • 1/27: Westward Expansion Assessment
  • 2/1: Late Start; 11:05 start

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Welcome Back

Good Afternoon!
As I sit down to start to plan for our first week back, I find how excited I am to welcome back our students!  It's been awhile since we've been at school, so we will take next week to ease back into routines and pick up where we left off.  I want to give parents and students a heads up for what to expect our first week back from winter break!

We are going to jump back into our nonfiction articles.  We will be revising our articles by looking at introductions, conclusions, and transitions.

We ended our Nonfiction to Become Experts unit before break.  We're in between units at the moment, so this will be a wonderful time to assess reading levels and really focus on engagement.

Our next reading unit is Historical Fiction (so exciting)!!  After careful thought and planning, we are going to try historical fiction book clubs in 4th grade.  Resources are limited, so I have been researching and compiling a list of 4th grade appropriate historical fiction books.  This is a work in progress, of course.  If you would like to help our historical fiction book clubs, please consider donating a book club book or set to our classroom library!  Historical fiction books can be found on our Amazon Classroom Wishlist: 
Thank you for considering!

We plan to jump right back to where we left off!  Students will be exploring division strategies through real world context scenarios.

Social Studies
We will be starting our Westward Expansion unit this week (which the students are very excited about)!  We will begin by reviewing the Louisiana Purchase and discuss motives as to why people move.  These discussions will move us into Missouri Statehood and the Missouri Compromise.

Upcoming Dates

  • 1/9: Students Return
  • 1/11: Late Start, 11:05 start
  • 1/16: No School