Monday, November 28, 2016

Math Stations 11/28-12/2

Math Stations 11/28-12/2

Station 1: Multi-Step Word Problems

Station 2: Addition & Subtraction Algorithm Practice

Addition Practice: Click here to begin.

More Addition Practice: Click here to begin.

Subtraction Practice: Click here to begin.

More Subtraction Practice: Click here to begin.

Station 3: Division Facts to 12 - Word Problems

Station 4: Find the Area Practice

Find the Area: Click here to begin. (beginner)

Find the Area Between Two Rectangles: Click here to begin. (medium)

Area and Perimeter Word Problems: Click here to begin. (hard)

Find the Area of Complex Figures: Click here to begin. (advanced)

Station 5: Line Plot Practice

Create Line Plots: Click here to begin. (medium)

Create & Interpret Line Plots with Fractions: Click here to begin. (hard)

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

This time of year we take a moment to step back and reflect on what we're thankful for.  Even with this being my fourth year at Barretts, I always find myself amazed and so thankful that I have the best job in the world, and that I also get to work with the best kids, parents, and staff.  Thank you for sending me your best each day.  I hope over the break you are able to relax, enjoy, and spend time with family and friends.  Enjoy!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Please enjoy the Thanksgiving learning games below!

Turkey Terminator

Turkey Swap

The object of the game is to swap the locations of the turkeys and the pigs with as few moves as possible. You can move each tile by clicking on it. A tile can be moved to the empty space that is immediately beside it.

Turkey Anagrams- Word Puzzle

Turkey Multiplication 

Read about the First Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Dinner Puzzle

Jamestown Adventure

Thanksgiving Crossword Puzzle 

Thanksgiving Sodoku

Friday, November 18, 2016


Happy Friday!  Check out what the Marshmallows have been up to this week...

This week we are beginning to wrap up our Navigation Nonfiction unit by...

  • reading texts to determine author's purpose
    • persuade
    • inform
    • entertain
  • identifying unfamiliar words within our text and using tools, such as a dictionary, to determine their meaning
  • reviewing how to identify the main idea of a text
Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

This week we're wrapping up our Persuasive Essay unit by...

  • revising our conclusions to include a call to action for the reader
  • revise our pieces to include a convincing tone by using:
    • auxiliary verbs
    • sensory details/vivid verbs
  • editing our pieces for grammar, punctuation, and capitalization
  • publishing our pieces in the form of speech presentations

In our Multiplication and Division unit we...

  • used various multiplication strategies to multiply 4 digit by 1 digit numbers
  • multiplied 2 digit by 2 digit numbers using multiples of 10
Please remember to practice math facts nightly!
Online Practice Buddies are assigned to your child, they are welcome to complete any as optional homework at home!

This week we began a new unit of study, Motion and Design!  We kicked off our unit by...

  • meeting with our engineering teams and worked on teamwork and perseverance
  • designed vehicles from two-view drawings
  • explored how weight pulling on a vehicle affects the distance traveled

Upcoming Dates

  • 11/23-11/25: No School; Happy Thanksgiving!
  • 12/7: Late Start, 11:05 start

Friday, November 11, 2016


Happy Veterans Day!  Even though we only had a 3 day week, we still packed in a lot of learning.  See what we've been up to this week...

This week in our Navigating Nonfiction unit we...

  • learned that all authors have a purpose for writing a text
  • learned that there are three purposes:
    • persuade
    • inform
    • entertain
Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

This week in our Persuasive Essay unit we...

  • revised our essays to elaborate on our evidence
  • used powerful transitons in our essays
  • revised our introductions

In our Multiplication and Division unit we...

  • used partial products to multiply 2 and 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers using the expanded algorithm
  • learned the common/tradition way to multiply 2 and 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers
Please remember to practice your math facts nightly!  Fact fluency is one key to success in this unit!
Your child also has a Practice Buddy assigned to them online each day.  This is optional homework.

Social Studies
During social studies this week we...

  • reflected on our strenghts and goals based on our Early Settlement assessments
  • signed up for committees for our grade level service learning project (collecting pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House)
  • worked with our grade level committees

Upcoming Dates

  • 11/14: Big Smiles Dental Clinic
  • 11/23-11/25: No School


Missouri Day