Friday, October 28, 2016


Happy Friday, Families!  We had a wonderful week.  Check out what we've been learning about...

In our Persuasive Essay unit we...

  • brainstormed and decided on our persuasive essay topics
  • organized our schema into reasons to support our claims
  • researched to strengthen our reasons

In our Navigating Nonfiction unit we...

  • identified nonfiction text structures:
    • cause and effect
    • problem and solution
    • compare and contrast
    • chronology
Remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

In our Multiplication and Division unit we...

  • learned how to use multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000 to multiply numbers:
    • 7 x 2 = 14
    • 7 x 20 = 140
    • 7 x 200 =1,400
    • 7 x 2,000 = 14,000
  • learned how to estimate products with rounding
  • learned how to use the distributive property to solve 1 digit by 4 digit multiplication problems
    • 7 x 3,492 = (7 x 3,000) + (7 x 400) + (7 x 90) + (7 x 2)
  • learned how to record the distributive property using an open array
Remember to practice your math facts nightly! 

Social Studies
In our Early Settlement unit we...

  • discussed the causes and effects of the Louisiana Purchase
  • discussed the Lewis and Clark (Corps of Discovery) Expedition
Upcoming Dates
  • 10/31: Halloween Parade & Parties @ 2:20
  • 11/2: Late Start, 11:05 start
  • 11/4: Picture Retakes
  • 11/4: Early Settlement Assessment
  • 11/4: Mrs. Nagy out
  • 11/7 & 11/8: No School
  • 11/11: Veteran's Day Celebration @ 1:00

Friday, October 21, 2016


Happy Friday, families!  Check out what we've been up to this week...

This week in our Navigating Nonfiction we...

  • identified the main idea and key details of a nonfiction text.
Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

This week we kicked off our new unit of study, Persuasive Essay!  We...

  • learned how to structure an essay
  • immersed ourselves in debate topics
  • learned how to use vivid verbs in our writing

In our Multiplication and Division unit we...

  • reviewed factors, prime numbers, composite numbers, and multiples
Please remember to practice your math facts nightly!

Social Studies
This week we also had Missouri Day.  A huge shout out to all of our wonderful volunteers who made MO Day possible, it is greatly appreciated!  In our Early Settlement unit we...

  • presented our findings on Missouri tribes:
    • Sac & Fox, Missouri, Iowa, and Osage
  • learned how the arrival of Europeans affected Missouri tribes

Upcoming Dates

  • 10/31: Halloween Parties & Parade
  • 11/2: Late Start
  • 11/7 & 11/8: No School
  • 11/11: Veteran's Day Celebration

Friday, October 14, 2016


Welcome back after our fall break!  Check out our update to see everything we've been working on this week...

This week in our Navigating Nonfiction unit readers...

  • worked to identify the main idea and key details from a nonfiction text
Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

This week in our Poetry unit we...

  • explored how to add meaning to our poems
  • selected, edited, and published our poems

This week in our Multiplication and Division unit we...

  • registered for XtraMath, you are welcome to access this from home!
  • worked to identify factors of numbers
  • worked to identify multiples of numbers
Please remember to practice multiplication facts nightly!  XtraMath is a great resource for this!

Social Studies
In our new Early Settlement unit we...

  • explored how expansion can help or hurt groups
  • learned about the first Missourians before the Europeans
  • researched various late Missouri Tribes:
    • Sac & Fox, Missouri, Iowa, and Osage

Upcoming Dates

  • 10/19: Missouri Day (Volunteers are still needed!!!!)
  • 10/20: Mrs. Nagy out
  • 10/31: Halloween parties & parade
  • 11/2: Late Start, 11:05

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Good evening, families.  Although it was a short week, we accomplished so much!  Take a look at what we've been up to...

We started our new Navigating Nonfiction unit this week! We...

  • discussed what the main idea of a text is
  • practiced main idea and pulling our key details of a text
Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

This week in our Poetry unit we...

  • reviewed figurative language strategies such as:
    • alliteration, personification, similes, and, metaphors

We started our new unit of Multiplication and Division!  We kicked off our unit by...

  • practicing our "snap facts"
  • learned games based in identifying factor pairs
  • introducing vocabulary such as:
    • prime, composite, square, factor, and product
Please remember to practice your math facts nightly!  Knowing these facts are the foundation to success in our multiplication and division units!

Social Studies
We wrapped up our Government unit by...

  • discussing the structure of our local government
  • reviewing federal and state government structures
  • assessing our knowledge

Upcoming Dates

  • 10/7 & 10/10: No School
  • 10/19: Missouri Day 
    • *Volunteers are still needed! Please let us know if you are available to help out on Missouri Day!*
  • 10/20: Mrs. Nagy Out
  • 10/31: Halloween Parties and Parade
*NOTE: Leadership Binders are coming home this weekend.  Please check the list to see what is new and what needs to be signed.  Binders are due back with signatures on Tuesday, October 11!*